In Objective-C, you can get a selector at compile time with:
SEL selector = @selector(showHelp);
or at runtime:
NSString* str = @"showHelp";
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(str);
There's limited type checking.
In Swift, however you have several options. This does minimum checking that there is a method of the same name:
let _ = Selector("showHelp")
This checks if the method is in the current class:
let _ = #selector(showHelp)
This checks if the method is in the specific class/instance:
let _ = #selector(Login.start)
let _ = #selector(Login.sharedInstance.start)
And this makes the compiler check for arguments (and labels):
let _ = #selector(oneArg(_:)) #single arg
let _ = #selector(twoArg(_:two:)) #two arg
Swift has strong type support and it's worthwhile spending some time to learn about it to reduce run-time programming errors.