
iOS Dev Nugget 238 Keep Code in Method at the Same Level of Abstraction


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I first read about keep the code in a method at the same level of abstraction in the book Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns. But here's an alternative online explanation:

E.g. A method with body written at more than 1 level of abstraction:

public List<ResultDto> buildResult(Set<ResultEntity> resultSet) {
    List<ResultDto> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (ResultEntity entity : resultSet) {
        ResultDto dto = new ResultDto();
    return result;

The same method refactored to 2 separate methods, each with its body written at the same level of abstraction:

public List<ResultDto> buildResult(Set<ResultEntity> resultSet) {
    List<ResultDto> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (ResultEntity entity : resultSet) {
    return result;

private ResultDto toDto(ResultEntity entity) {
    ResultDto dto = new ResultDto();
    return dto;

The problem with the original code:

There are two levels of abstractions in this method. First there is the loop which acts upon the whole result set and second there is the loop body which converts a single entity to a DTO. For the latter there is no syntactical grouping. The reader of the code has to find out that the first four lines of the loop body belong together. The code also doesn't explicitly state that these four lines convert an entity to a DTO. So the following code is better:

And the refactoring helps to improve things:

Now there are two smaller methods each of which is written in terms of a single level of abstraction. This is better readable as no mental grouping is necessary. Furthermore the two methods are still separately understandable (PSU) so no mental inlining is necessary and if you don't care about the details of the toDto method, you can just read and understand buildResult without being distracted by unnecessary detail.

(The code looks like its Java, but should be easy to read if you know Swift or Obj-C)



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