
iOS Dev Nugget 215 dump Instead of print for Swift Structs


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If you want to print a struct, especially a collection, use dump() instead of print(). The latter prints one long line like this (wrapped here):

[Item(title: "Item 1", age: 10, address: Address(value: "address 1")), Item(title: "Item 2", age: 10, address: Address(value: "address 1"))]

whereas dump() does this:

▿ 2 elements
  ▿ Item
    - title: "Item 1"
    - age: 10
    ▿ address: Address
      - value: "address 1"
  ▿ Item
    - title: "Item 2"
    - age: 10
    ▿ address: Address
      - value: "address 1"



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