The first images load almost instantaneously, and as you scroll down to view more, you will see the blossom icon being replaced by thumbnails about as fast as you can expect any internet dependent program to go.


Stephen Ingraham writes detailed reviews of iPhone applications on his site. While it is natural every reviewer has their own preference due to their own habits and usage behavior, you can be sure that his reviews are detailed enough so you know what is available in the application and can, to a certain extent, form your own impression and decide if it is worth buying the application. This is especially useful since the App store does not allow evaluation software.

See his recent review of MobileNavigator for the iPhone for an excellent example. You can see that he spends time using it, describing his prior experience with similar software/hardware, states his first impressions, as well as his actual experience using it.

If you have an iPhone application and would like to have it honestly assessed and in a detailed manner, Stephen is your man.

Disclaimer: Stephen wrote a very positive review of SimplyTweet, an application I developed. But read it or any other reviews he wrote and you will appreciate the effort and quality he puts into his reviews.