I start my new projects by copy and pasting from previous projects. One of the first things I copy is this in my backend service:

import { FastifyInstance, FastifyReply, FastifyRequest } from "fastify"
import { LOGGER } from "@/plugins/logger"

const logger = LOGGER

//Placeholder to put temporary test code
export async function foo(
  this: FastifyInstance,
  request: FastifyRequest,
  reply: FastifyReply
) {
  logger.info("headers %o", request.headers)
  logger.info("params %o", request.params)
  logger.info("query %o", request.query)
  logger.info("body %o", request.body)

  return reply.send({})

It’s a convenient place for me to put some temporary/playground code and then trigger it with:

curl http://localhost:4002/foo

There’s also the additional benefit that I know to git reset --hard the same file src/controllers/fooController.ts