
iOS Dev Nugget 84 One More Thing About +imageWithContentsOfFile: vs. +imageNamed:


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In #34: When do you use UIImage's +imageWithContentsOfFile: over +imageNamed:?, I mentioned the primary difference between UIImage +imageWithContentsOfFile and +imageNamed:. There is another difference, when using +imageNamed:, iOS will automatically search for the correct version of the image that is optimized for the platform, e.g. loading fileName@x.png if you had specify fileName.png when running on a device with retina display. On the other hand, with +imageWithContentsOfFile:, you have to specific the filename explicitly. iOS will not make any guesses to the proper variation of the filename to use.

Bonus nugget: the file extension is optional when using +imageNamed: with a .png file. i.e. [UIImage imageNamed:@"filename"] and [UIImage imageNamed:@"filename.png"] works the same way.



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