
iOS Dev Nugget 164 Using Storyboard Launch Screens


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In #102, I mentioned how to create static launch images for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (when they were released). The modern way to create launch images now, however, is to use Storyboard launch screen. It's the way to go with a few advantages over static launch images because you can create a single Storyboard launch screen that works with every device resolutions using Auto Layout. You are going to need that if you are building an iPad app, a universal app or if you build share/action extensions.

You don't need to be using storyboards or Auto Layout in your app to use a Storyboard launch screen. Here's how to create one:

  1. In your Xcode project, add a new file, and choose User Interface > Launch Screen.
  2. Edit the launch screen. If you want to keep it simple, delete all the labels and make the background color match your initial user interface's background color.
  3. Add the UILaunchStoryboardName key to your Info.plist file, with your Storyboard launch screen filename as the value


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