The primary reason I use tmux (and originally screen) was so I don’t lose my current working directories when I accidentally close my terminal window(s). tmux attach and you are back where you fat fingered a cmd+w or cmd+q.

The second reason is because I have a number of projects (and their directories) I work on, so I have a little tmux configuration file called .tmuxdev that I run every time I reboot and start tmux by doing this:

tmux #start tmux
ctrl-w-: source ~/.tmuxdev #source the script

.tmuxdev looks like this:

send-keys 'cd ~/path-to-project1' Enter
renamew 'project1'

killw -t 0

send-keys 'cd ~/path-to-project2' Enter
renamew 'project2'

send-keys 'cd ~/path-to-project3' Enter
renamew 'project3'

#2 panes
send-keys 'cd ~/path-to-project4/frontend' Enter
renamew 'project4'
send-keys 'cd ~/path-to-project4/backend' Enter

#And so on

Then in tmux, I can do ctrl-w and f to find a window by their names like project1.

I also have a few more personalized keybindings that is more consistent with my workflow with vi:

set -g prefix C-w	#consistent with my vi bindings
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind h select-pane -L
bind l select-pane -R
bind 9 select-pane -l
bind 9 run-shell "tmux select-window -t $(tmux list-windows | awk 'END{print NR-1}')" #last window

#Overrides default binding which does find-window too, but now case insensitive
bind f command-prompt "find-window -i '%%'"

bind -n C-h previous-window
bind -n C-l next-window
bind -n C-o last-window