
iOS Dev Nugget 157 Quick Actions to Launch Apps Using 3D Touch


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iOS 9 introduced 3D Touch on the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. There are a number ways you can utilize 3D Touch in your apps, but the easiest way is with Quick Actions. In Apple's own words:

Quick Actions let users do the things they do most often, faster and in fewer steps. Many of these actions can even be done with a single press, right from the Home screen.

It's very simple to integrate. You can add one or more static entries in your Info.plist file:

        <string>Post Picture</string>

You then implement -application:performActionForShortcutItem:completionHandler: from UIApplicationDelegate, check for the action to handle and call completionHandler once you are done. You may also want to check -application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: and inspect launchOptions for the UIApplicationLaunchOptionsShortcutItemKey key to see if the app is launched from a quick action and perhaps handle things differently (e.g. returning NO, so that -application:performActionForShortcutItem:completionHandler: doesn't get called).

In addition to static shortcuts, you can add dynamic ones by assigning to the shortcutItems property of UIApplication.

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